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[Solved] Turn Off / Turn On Scroll Lock Excel Tip To Lock and Unlock On Keyboard | Exceltip2day Blog

Hello friends. I'm Michael. Welcome everyone to in my blog "Exceltip2day",  The tip for today is:

"How to unlock the Scroll Lock"

Tip Quiz

Do you know what is the shortcut key(s) to Redo Last Action (Multiple Levels) in an Excel spreadsheet?

Check the way [Turn Off] / [Turn On] - Scroll Lock down here.

Excel worksheet, you may touch it accidentally a [Scroll Lock] button. This would lock cursor stuck on the current cell. To undo it, do one of the following:

i] Press the Scroll Lock / ScrLk key on your keyboard.

Alternatively, if some keyboard does not have a Scroll Lock key, such as Notebook, Tablet and some other kind of PC. Just follow the step by step.

ii] (Window 7) Go to


-All Programs,


-Ease of Access,

-Then, just click on the "On-Screen Keyboard" line. When the "On-Screen Keyboard" appears on your screen, click the ScrLK button as shown on (In red round rectangle) the image below:

Shortcut for: To lock and unlock Scroll Lock on a keyboard

Windows shortcut

Turn Off / Turn On Scroll Lock

How to use the "Turn Off" / "Turn On" Scroll Lock key button to lock and unlock the keyboard

That should help you away out of a Scroll Lock stuck on!

Excel office is the real great invention for all over the operation and administration offices, I believe. It’s very good for working with figures in various types of tasks.

Therefore, let’s say it is necessary to have it in the office if you want to run whatever job or business. And of course, it’s nothing at all if you only buy and install it in your working place but you have no one be able to use it.

Even you have your staff(s) who is able to handle it well about the Excel functions. Never forget that Excel is invented by a computer engineer specialist. There are a lot of constraints inside the program. We, the general user, cannot understand everything about how they work.

Meantime, it seems you should have to hire one more staff who know the way of fixing your office program.

Ah! Some may say

“I have just begun running my own business, if some overheads could be saved, I would do”

Yes, all of the problems always have the way out.

There are several solutions to help you find out how to save your money and on the other way, supporting you I.T.’s burden such as Word, PowerPoint… and especially, the Excel office as well.

For example, guessing you have visited this article due to you have got the problem of your Excel scroll is locked, am I right?

After you have followed what I have shown you how to solve the scroll lock, then if you could fix it out,… so that this is one of your answer(s).

I mean you can fix some of your problems about Excel office by yourself, few slight bugs you just searching advise via the Internet which is written by the blogger(s) who has his/her own individual skill for the particular stuff.

They, Excel office experts, just await your visiting their weblogs/websites.

Instead of spending money to hire your staffs or consuming your time searching for knowledge from blogger or many other websites, you can buy Excel books for regular users or an advance from professional authors too.

For me, I do it both, bought several Excel user guidebooks and also look it out from the Internet.

Now! It’s your turn. Make it your own way, then you would know that Excel office’s problems like an “Excel scroll lock” for the example, is too hard to cope with it at all.

Are you agree?

Let me know if you have some opinions that you would like to share with me on this blog. Simply leave your thoughts in the comment square box immediately underneath this article.

Thanks for reading my post.

Please keep in touch with through this blog, I would very happy to hear some voice from you there.

Please don’t forget to share my blog(s) with your friends for anyone that you think this is worth for them than none at all.

Tip Answer

 a. They are with the keys of Crtl+X.

 b. They are with the keys of Crtl+Y.

 c. They are with the keys of Crtl+Z.

Source:To Redo Last Action (Multiple Levels) Excel Shortcut Key.
Link recommendedπŸ‘‰ : Shortcut Keys How To Fixing Monitor Screen Accidentally 'Upside Down'
Link recommendedπŸ‘‰ : English Numbers In Words 1 to 1000000

Before I am about to say goodbye to you, I hope that what I have posted and shared with you today. They will be beneficial for you, your company, and any relevant.

Have a present day!

See you again. Thanks for reading.

Posted by: Michael Leng

I've known, then I've grown.

See more shortcuts:


  1. Great. But what am I doing so that the Scroll lock keeps getting reactivated every 5 minutes? That can obviously be done without opening a virtual keyboard, must be some key combination. How do I prevent it from happening?


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