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[Ctrl] + [Tab] Move From One Workbook Window To The Next, Next and Next...As You Desire

In Excel, if you open the workbook of Excel office program more than the only workbook. Suppose, if you want to switch the Excel workbook window from the current window to the others.

To do that very quickly, there is the shortcut keyboard key for handling it as step by step below:
  • Pressing the “Ctrl” button and hold it 
  • Plus together with the “Tab” button 
In case of you are opening the workbooks more than 2 windows, and want to move forward to the next and next… Just press the “Ctrl” button and keep holding it while pressing down on the “Tab” button and release it, then to repeat pressing on the “Tab” button again and again until you reach to wherever the Excel Workbook Window as you expect.
Ctrl + Tab
Move to next / previous current workbook window.

See more another Excel Shortcut:
  1. [Ctrl]+[Delete] Excel Shortcut Deleting Text Between The Cursor And The End
  2. [Ctrl]+[Y] To Redo Last Action (Multiple Levels) Excel Shortcut Key
  3. [Ctrl]+[Z] To Undo Last Action (Multiple Levels) Excel Shortcut Key
  4. [Ctrl] [.] (Period) Excel Trick Move Cursor Clockwise To The Next Corner Of The Selection
  5. Excel Trick Press A Couple Of [Arrow Key] Move One Cell Diagonally
  6. [Shift]+[Arrow Keys] Expanding The Current Cell To Another Active Cell
  7. [F12] Excel Shortcut Key Display The “Save As” Function Fastest Way
  8. [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Page Down] Select The Current & Next Sheet In A Workbook
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